Asbestos Assessor

Do you need a professional asbestos assessor to determine if your building contains asbestos?

OCCSafe Australia provides asbestos assessment services to aid in safety management and mitigation. We’ve helped government bodies, local businesses, large corporations, and even smaller residential property owners.

Our asbestos assessors are 100% licences and can aid in monitoring the surrounding air for asbestos, providing clearance inspections, issue certificates of clearance, and provide removal assessments. This includes the removal of class-A and class-B asbestos materials.

What is a licenced asbestos assessor?

A licensed asbestos assessor is an expert in the asbestos removal industry and has followed strict requirements to acquire a government issued licences.

Several requirements include:

  • Over 2 years of experience performing air monitoring, clearance inspections, certification, and other asbestos related work
  • Completion of approved VET courses with registered organisations OR has completed tertiary studies in occupational health and safety, industrial hygiene, science, building construction, or environmental health
  • Has had all certified documents witnessed by a Justice of the Peace

As a licenced asbestos assessor, every job will be dealt in accordance to the Code of Practice for How To Safely Remove Asbestos and state relevant requirements.

professional asbestos assessor

The OCCSafe Australia Difference

At OCCSafe Australia, our priority is the safety of every party involved. We ensure that your asbestos is properly removed to minimise danger and permanent solve your asbestos problems.

This means, our team of asbestos assessors will ensure no fibres are released into the air or that it is carefully monitors and managed if inevitable.

We are able to do this due to our careful preparations beforehand. Prior to the commencement of work, there will be a detailed asbestos removal assessment conducted by professional, trained, and licenced consultants. This will be in accordance with all current legislation. Following this, we will work closely with our network of professional removal companies who have a track record of proven success.

This means you can rest easy knowing you’re not at risk of asbestos poisoning and that all exposure and contamination is kept to a minimum.

Do I need a licensed asbestos assessor?

While it’s best practice to contact a licensed asbestos whenever you suspect you’re dealing with asbestos, it’s a legal requirement in some circumstances.

Several situations where a licensed asbestos assessor is required include:

When asbestos is at risk of entering the air due to an easily crumbled form. This requires asbestos monitoring in the air during removal
If an area is to be reoccupied following the removal of asbestos which has crumbled and removes
When asbestos material has been disturbed and is easily moved, especially in the case of loose fill insulation
If soil has been in contact with asbestos and is at risk of contamination


Book your audit asbestos assessor TODAY
Get in touch with OCCSafe Australia to book your assessment with a highly qualified expert. Our team has a wide range of experience dealing with industries such as construction, manufacturing, and many more. In addition to commercial and industrial assistance, we help residential property owners as well.

Contact us today by calling us on 1300 622 723 or emailing us on 

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