Asbestos in Soils

Testing Asbestos Contamination in Soils

Awareness of the risks posed by asbestos in contaminated land and soils is growing. OccSafe Australia can offer a range of services.

Conducted in accordance with all relevant health and safety asbestos and contaminated land legislation, we apply an internationally recognised tiered approach to asbestos in soil investigations, ranging from visual assessments and surface grab sampling, to preliminary and detailed site investigations, consultancy services evaluating remediation approaches and clearances following removal activities.

What we offer:

  • preliminary site investigations (PSI);
  • surface Soil Sampling;
  • test Pit Excavation;
  • detailed site investigations (DSI);
  • remediation consulting;
  • clearances, and;
  • site management plans.

To find out how our asbestos and environmental science team can
assist in addressing asbestos contamination issues at your site.


Asbestos was once in widespread use, forming a key part of many buildings in Australia. Over time, buildings have been demolished and rebuilt, but the asbestos contamination has remained. As a result, asbestos in soils has become one of the most common forms of asbestos contamination.

Asbestos can be extremely damaging if staff, workers or customers are exposed to it. It can mean cancer or asbestosis, and you may only see symptoms ten years after the exposure. This is why OccSafe Australia provide assessments for asbestos in soil, to ensure that worksites are safe for your employees to use.

Get the most knowledgeable asbestos management available

Asbestos in soils has been managed differently depending on the state or territory, but the process has recently been merged under the OH&S regulations. OccSafe Australia has the knowledge at hand to complete a professional and expert assessment of asbestos in soils with a full suite of services and assessments.

Our services will conduct a preliminary site investigation (PSI) to identify any surface level or superficial evidence of contamination of asbestos in soils. This will give enough data to proceed onto deeper investigative techniques, employing a detailed site investigation (DSI) that will more closely assess the contents of your soil. We will complete test pit excavations, remediation consulting, clearances and site management plans in an effort to make your soil safe for workers.

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OccSafe brings a wide range of experience to asbestos in soils assessment

OccSafe Australia will be able to handle your assessment of asbestos in soils with expertise, knowledge and professionalism. At OccSafe you will find the most qualified individuals to manage your project. We have experience with a wide range of businesses including electrical, defence, construction and manufacturing. OccSafe can bring the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure that your assessment for asbestos in soils complies with all standards and regulations.

OccSafe Australia’s licensed assessors follow the latest health and safety asbestos and contaminated land legislation. Join us and you will be managed by the most qualified consultants on the market.



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