Asbestos Management Plan

OccSafe Australia will produce a tailored Asbestos Management Plan specifically tailored to your needs to ensure you, your staff and tenants are protected in accordance with the relevant state legislation and guidelines.

Our consultants will help you implement policies that will allow you to manage the asbestos within your premises compliantly, proportionately while meeting your strategic long-term goals.

What is involved in an asbestos management plan?

Asbestos Management Plans identify the risks posed by the asbestos present in your property or job site and sets out procedures to control them. This is a regulatory requirement that contains key asbestos information, usually from an asbestos survey, and involves the following:

  • action plan and monitoring and re-inspection regimes;
  • dissemination of information to appropriate parties;
  • duties of the asbestos coordinator;
  • policies and procedures for emergencies, refurbishments, day-to-day operations and other less usual work or tasks;
  • risk assessments;
  • roles and responsibilities of key personnel, and;
  • training requirements for staff.

It is essential to have sound and detailed asbestos management plans in place. Asbestos is an extremely dangerous substance that can cause serious respiratory issues and even result in cancer. One of the most dangerous aspects of asbestos is that the symptoms are not always acquired at the first stage of exposure, but can take up to ten years to materialise.

The substance can still be found in many homes and buildings today in items such as shingles, insulation, floor tiles and pipe cement, and it is essential to manage localise project surveys correctly and with the best consultants available.

Get the detail needed in your asbestos management plans

Our asbestos management plans will ensure that you always have the most rigorous program in place to avoid exposure to asbestos. We will give detailed asbestos management plans that are consistent with current legislation, ensuring your workplace is on the ball when it comes to asbestos management. OccSafe Australia will be able to handle your asbestos management plans with expertise, knowledge and professionalism.

The asbestos management plan will give you details of any operations that need to be completed to comply with your asbestos management requirements. This could include emergency procedures, refurbishment or other irregular tasks that must be completed.


best advice

OccSafe Australia will give you the best advice available

At OccSafe you will find the most qualified individuals to manage your asbestos management plan. We have experience with a wide range of businesses including electrical, defence, retail and manufacturing. OccSafe can bring the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure that your asbestos management plan is watertight.

Asbestos management plans are a regulatory requirement, and you want the best people on the job.

Join us and you will be managed by the most qualified consultants on the market. Our consultants are professionally licensed and can provide an intricately detailed asbestos management plan that will always ensure you remain compliant with legislation.



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