Asbestos Removal Assessment
If you are planning on removing asbestos or asbestos-containing materials from your site, you may need to engage a licensed asbestos removal company. A licensed asbestos assessor must give clearance following the removal of any class-A or class-B asbestos. OccSafe Australia provides independent 3rd party assessment and clearance following asbestos removals. We are not affiliated with any removal companies and are accredited for asbestos removal assessment and clearance. We work for you.
Engaging a 3rd party to conduct the assessment and clearance is important to ensure impartiality. OccSafe Australia’s licensed assessors have the qualifications and experience necessary to ensure removals are completed to the highest possible standard.
It is essential to have correct and licensed asbestos removal. OccSafe Australia can give you the licensed approval you need to remove class-A and class-B asbestos materials. Asbestos can be extremely damaging if staff, workers or customers are exposed to it. It can mean cancer or asbestosis, and you may only see symptoms ten years after the exposure. Asbestos can still be found in many homes and buildings today in insulation, floor tiles, shingles and pipe cement. OccSafe Australia play an essential part in providing asbestos removal assessment that will ensure safe removal techniques.