Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos Surveys are undertaken to locate as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect asbestos containing materials (ACM) in a building to assess their present condition.

The survey will take into account damage or disturbance that might occur during normal occupancy including foreseeable maintenance. The findings of the management survey form the basis of the property’s asbestos register and the asbestos management plan.

Following completion of your asbestos management survey, you will be provided with a comprehensive report detailing the location and properties of any asbestos located or presumed to be within the building or site. This will include an assessment of the condition of the various ACMs and their potential to release fibres into the air if they are disturbed in some way. This material assessment will enable you to decide whether to manage any ACMs found or to have them removed.

If you choose to manage rather than remove any existing asbestos-containing materials, you will require an annual re-inspection survey. The re-inspection survey monitors the condition of the asbestos-containing material identified in your original survey and updates the register to ensure compliance.

Asbestos Surveys will often involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties i.e. it will depend on factors such as the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc.


Manage your refurbishment and demolition surveys the right way

Asbestos is an extremely dangerous substance which can cause serious health concerns, including cancer and asbestosis. Exposure can result in health concerns later on in life that are not always evident at the time of your exposure. The substance can still be found in many homes and buildings today in items such as shingles, insulation, floor tiles and pipe cement, and it is essential to manage asbestos refurbishment and demolition properly.

This is why OccSafe Australia provides professional refurbishment and demolition surveys for homes and workplaces. We will honestly and accurately conduct the survey, identifying the best course of action. OccSafe Australia will be able to handle your refurbishment and demolition survey with expertise, knowledge and professionalism.



Choose OccSafe Australia for your refurbishment and demolition surveys

We are the most qualified individuals to manage your project, whether you are a homeowner, or whether you own a business in electrical, defence, retail or manufacturing. OccSafe can bring the necessary experience and knowledge to ensure that the job is always done correctly, surveying accurately and efficiently.

OccSafe Australia sets the bar when it comes to asbestos management. Join us and you will be managed by the most qualified consultants on the market. Our consultants are professionally licensed and can provide impartial and independent advice on your refurbishment and demolition survey.

Safety is our key responsibility. If you are looking for a company that will safely and efficiently manage your asbestos refurbishment and demolition survey, make sure you give us a call today.


As most demolition and refurbishment work is time critical, OccSafe Australia offers localised project surveys. Working collaboratively alongside your refurbishment or demolition teams, our consultant’s survey only the specific areas where work is planned and produce a survey report together with marked-up plans identifying the scope and specification of any items for removal.

Restricting the areas surveyed to those specifically affected by the work means that costs and time scales can be kept to a minimum. It also ensures that the project can be completed safely and efficiently without unnecessary delay.

Removing asbestos can be a painstaking experience which involves getting into hard to reach spaces and testing items for asbestos. Localised project surveys allows OccSafe Australia to effectively and efficiently survey a large area for any materials containing asbestos, rooting out the issue and dealing with any contaminants so as to avoid exposure.

Keep your workers and staff safe from asbestos with localise project surveys

Exposure to asbestos can cause serious health concerns later on in life, including cancer and asbestosis. One of the most dangerous aspects of asbestos is that the symptoms are not always acquired at the first stage of exposure, but can take up to ten years to materialise. The substance can still be found in many homes and buildings today in items such as shingles, insulation, floor tiles and pipe cement, and it is essential to manage localise project surveys correctly and with the best consultants available.

This is why OccSafe Australia provides professional localised project surveys for homes and workplaces. We will honestly and accurately conduct the survey, identifying the best course of action. OccSafe Australia will be able to handle your asbestos surveys with expertise, knowledge and professionalism.

Choose the knowledgeable team at OccSafe Australia

At OccSafe you will find the most qualified individuals to manage your localised project surveys, whether you are a business or homeowner. We have experience with a wide range of business including electrical, defence, retail and manufacturing. OccSafe can bring the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure that the job is always done correctly, implementing our localised project surveys accurately and efficiently.

OccSafe Australia sets the bar when it comes to asbestos management. Join us and you will be managed by the most qualified consultants on the market. Our consultants are professionally licensed and can provide impartial and independent advice on your refurbishment and demolition survey.

Safety is our key responsibility. If you are looking for a company that will manage your localised project surveys with safety and efficiency, get in touch today.


Our experienced consultants undertake bulk sampling of suspect ACMs in accordance with the government regulations and guidelines.

The samples are then analysed at a NATA accredited laboratory.


Asbestos danger 3

Asbestos is an extremely dangerous substance which can cause serious health concerns, including cancer and asbestosis. Exposure can result in health concerns later on in life that are not always evident at the time of your exposure.

The substance can still be found in many homes and buildings today in items such as shingles, insulation, floor tiles and pipe cement, and it is essential to identify asbestos early on so you can manage and remove the substance if possible.This is why OccSafe Australia provides the essential service of asbestos surveying. We will honestly and accurately survey your property for asbestos, identify the substance so that the appropriate action can be completed and you can manage any danger posed.

Survey now to identify asbestos contamination

Asbestos surveying is essential for identifying any issues and conducting management, refurbishment or demolition, depending on the seriousness of the issue. OccSafe Australia will be able to manage your asbestos surveying with expertise, knowledge and professionalism.

Managing asbestos can be dangerous work. This is why you require the most qualified individuals to manage your project, whether you are a homeowner, or whether you own a business in electrical, defence, retail or manufacturing. OccSafe can bring the necessary experience and knowledge to ensure that the job is always done correctly, surveying accurately and efficiently. If any problems are identified, we will then be able to assist you with our extensive suite of asbestos management services.

Choose the best asbestos surveying service
We set the bar when it comes to asbestos management. With OccSafe Australia you will be managed by the most qualified consultants on the market. Our consultants are professionally licensed and can provide impartial and independent advice on your asbestos survey.

Safety is our key responsibility. If you are looking for a company that will safely and efficiently manage your asbestos surveying and removal, make sure you give us a call today.


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