Safety Management Systems

Safety Consulting

It is not the role of company executives to know all the details of Workplace Health and Safety laws and regulations.

OccSafe Australia are suitably qualified Safety Professionals with a wealth of experience gained from over 20 years of practice.

OccSafe Australia lead consultants are Chartered OHS Professionals which is recognition of their professional skills and qualifications by the industry body, the Safety Institute of Australia. They are suitably qualified to read and understand the WHS Legislation and to develop and implement a safety management system that will address your legal compliance requirements.

OccSafe Australia consultants provide practical solutions to often complex legislative requirements to ensure that your business can operate safely, efficiently and competitively.

OccSafe Australia provides consultancy services to large businesses, through to small family businesses. No matter your size, we can offer a service that will fit your needs and budget.

Special services we provide include:

  • noise mapping;
  • noise dosimetry;
  • noise monitoring;
  • lighting level surveys;
  • ergonomic assessments of workstations, and;
  • electromagnetic Field (EMF) Measurement.

Our services comprehensively cover:

Safety Consultancy

  • development of workplace health and safety policy and procedures manuals;
  • implementation of safety systems;
  • compliance and/or management systems audits;
  • incident investigation;
  • expert witness reports;
  • safeguarding surveys;
  • development of induction programs;
  • ergonomic assessments of workstations and tasks, and;
  • fire evacuation plan development.

OccSafe Australia understands that you need a comprehensive and all encompassing service when you are handling your safety management systems. We want to give you peace of mind that your workplace meets all the latest legal compliance requirements so that you can operate safely, efficiently and appropriately without worrying about customer or worker safety. We have a full suite of services as our safety consultancy speciality.

We will monitor your safety management systems and provide constant safety consultancy, expert services, reports and speciality feedback. Our services include noise mapping and monitoring, lighting level surveys, and electromagnetic field measurement. We will also test and manage the ergonomic quality of workstations, ensuring that your workers don’t develop work stress injuries overtime due to equipment which causes muscle or skeletal strain.

Our speciality safety consultancy services include:

A development of health and safety policy and procedure manuals
You will want to have an accurate and up to date safety policy in place for your workers, ensuring they have the best information available to do their work safely.

Implementation of safety systems
We will provide information on the best methods for implementing our safety systems, giving you safety consultancy that is managed based on your business requirements.

Incident Investigations
Our professional Chartered OHS consultants will investigate any workplace incidents for compliance issues and provide the best advice for how your business should proceed.

Safeguarding surveys
Safeguarding surveys will help you prevent any future incidents that could put your business, workers or clients in danger. We will provide professional consultancy that will make your workplace safer and less likely to encounter incidents.

Development of induction programs
We understand that you have new staff starting that will need to be inducted into your safety procedures. That is why we provide a service handling the development of induction programs, to ensure that all staff are trained adequately in all health and safety procedures.

Choose OccSafe Australia as your speciality safety consultancy specialists and you will receive a complete suite of services covering all your WHS requirements.

occ safety
  • workplace rehabilitation policy and procedures manual, and;
  • rehabilitation services.
Human Resource Management
  • training needs analysis for competency-based training programs.
Fire Services
  • fire safety audits;
  • fire extinguisher training, and;
  • development of fire evacuation plans.

We know that fire services are incredibly important to every business. Avoiding fires and ensuring proper fire safety compliance is in place could be the difference between a functioning workplace and a devastating fire. Fires will endanger staff, customers and the general public, and the legal repercussions could be substantial if proper fire safety compliance is not in place should an accident occur.

At OccSafe Australia we want to ensure that your workplace meets all legal compliance requirements, ensuring you can operate safely and effectively without worrying about worker safety or legal repercussions. This is why we offer a number of safe fire services to ensure you meet all fire safety requirements.

Fire safety audits
You may already have a fire safety plan in place for your business, whether you work in retail, electrical, defence, manufacturing or construction. If you have any niggling concerns over whether you comply with WHS legislation, our consultants can take you through the necessary improvements you will need to make, tailoring our suggestions to your business and managing your budget. This will ensure you have the most professional opinion available and can rest assured that your safe fire service standards are up to scratch.

Fire extinguisher training
You want your staff to know exactly what to do if there is a fire. You will have fire extinguishers in place to comply with health and safety standards, but do your staff members know how to use them? OccSafe Australia can provide expert, in-depth and engaging training that will demonstrate the use of fire extinguishers so that you workers will have all the knowledge they need to douse fires in the case of an accident.

Fire evacuation plans
An essential aspect of our safe fire services is the evacuation plan. If a fire starts out in your workplace, you want your staff to calmly lead themselves and customers to a place of safety, to ensure that everyone remains safe. OccSafe can provide professionally produced fire evacuation plans that will follow the highest standards and keep workers and customers safe in the event of a fire.

Continuing Safety Consultancy Services

A regular consultancy visit will provide you the peace of mind that your staff are being trained, your safety systems are being managed, and your safety risks are being addressed. After each visit, you will be provided with a report detailing the activities performed and a risk register of issues that will need to be addressed.

At OccSafe Australia we know that safety is an ongoing issue, and your workplace is always evolving. You will want to constantly maintain your safety standards by providing continuing safety consultancy services. This will ensure that you can avoid legal repercussions and keep your staff, customers and the public safe.

We provide continuing safety consultancy services to give you peace of mind that your staff members are up to date on all procedures and that you have fresh and managed safety systems in place at all times.

Keep up to date on legislation
with continuing safety consultancy
Choose the best safety
consultancy on the market
Regular consultancy means you can always stay ahead of the curb in terms of legislation. Chances are your workplace is constantly changing, with staff rotating, new sections being installed, new machinery on the premises and updated safety procedures.

This is why it is so important to have OccSafe Australia running continuing safety consultancy services. We can provide ongoing advice and improvements that will give you peace of mind that you are always complying with standards and keeping your workers and customers safe.

After each visit we will provide a detailed report that gives you all the information you need to put improvements in place. Our report will detail the activities performed and a risk register of issues that you will need to address. We will manage our reports based on your business requirements, ensuring we find the best solution to any issues that come up in the process of the consultancy, and tailoring them to your budget and business needs.

Our consultants are Chartered OHS professionals, experts in their field with some of the best knowledge on WHS regulations available. The will be able to cut through wordy legal jargon in WHS legislation and provide you with clear, concise recommendations for your workplace safety.

We want to provide unique continuing safety consultancy services based on your business requirements. Our consultants will bring a wealth of experience from multiple sectors, applying a depth of knowledge in the workplace safety consultancy industry to your individual needs.

If you want professional, knowledgeable and adaptable service to manage your workplace safety, then give OccSafe Australia a call today.

Expert Witness Reports

An expert witness service has been provided for a number of solicitors dealing with personal injury claims within workplaces. In court, you will want a recognised and registered safety professional on your side.

We understand that in the event of legal action, you will want to have the best knowledge available to avoid legal repercussions. This is why we provide expert witness reports to solicitors dealing with personal injury or other claims within the workplace. They will provide an expert opinion on events, armed with knowledge of the WHS legislation and a keen understanding of your business.

An expert witness report
gives weight to your legal case
Occsafe Australia can provide
knowledgeable expert witness reports
An expert witness can be brought in to legal proceedings when a specialist in the subject is required. Expert witness reports will provide an expert opinion an any area of the case which is necessary. You will want the most knowledgeable expert witness to provide the correct perspective in your legal proceedings. The purpose of expert witness reports is to provide professional and impartial evidence in the particular specialty, giving the court enough information to come to its own conclusion on proceedings.

You may need an expert witness to explain how the case relates to the WHS regulations. They will provide information as to how your workplace safety complies with regulations, how the incident applies to those regulations and the resulting legal action and its validity. Expert witness reports will give knowledge to your council, and allow you to showcase your understanding of WHS regulations to the court.

Choosing OccSafe to manage your expert witness reports will supply you with the best expert available to stand in as your expert witness. You will receive the most up to date knowledge that is unambiguous and makes sense of legal jargon. We will give your case real weight, giving you the best chance to manage or entirely avoid legal repercussions for workplace accidents and other incidents.

At OccSafe Australia we recognise that every business is different, and we want to offer you unique expert witness service based on your individual needs. We will bring a wealth of experience across multiple sectors to your workplace, applying our depth of knowledge on the legality of the industry to each job. If you want an expert witness service that understands your business, then give us a call!


At OccSafe Australia, we understand how important safety management systems are to your business. We want to ensure that your workplace meets all legal compliance requirements, ensuring you can operate safely and effectively without worrying about worker safety or legal repercussions.

To achieve this we will monitor your safety management systems and provide constant consultancy, services, reports and feedback. Having experienced professionals on hand to take care of your safety management systems is essential to obtaining clear and unambiguous compliance. We don’t want you to second guess any of your workplace safety decisions.

fire safety



Choose OccSafe Australia to handle your safety management systems

We will provide consultancy from our Chartered OHS professional consultants, ensuring you have the most qualified advice available. They will deftly explain WHS legislation so you can be assured of compliance, providing practical and cost effective solutions. No matter the size of your business, we can tailor our solutions to meet your needs and discover the best solution for your individual safety management systems. We will manage your needs to fit into whatever budget you have in place.

The additional services we offer are the best on the market. From noise mapping to light level surveys and EMF measurement, we will cover all bases of your safety management. We provide consultancy services covering incident investigation and professional witness reports, managing incidents with qualified professionalism. Rehabilitation, HR management and fire services, including fire safety audits and fire extinguisher training, are essential services that you will require to keep your workplace safe.

Get a tailored safety management system for your business
At OccSafe Australia we recognise that every business is different, and we want to offer you unique consultancy based on your individual needs. We will bring a wealth of experience across multiple sectors to your workplace, applying our depth of knowledge in the industry to each problem. Whether you are retail, manufacturing, electrical, defence, government or anything in between, we can help. If you want to use trained professionals that take the extra time and effort to understand your business, then give us a call!


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